Conduits misbehaving and wrench interactions
DynoEnviro opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Issue Description: Updated to EIO 5.0.38 and ECore 5.43 - restarted local and server, loaded fine - I DID NOT CREATE A NEW WORLD. Wrench interaction with conduits appears buggy. I'm reporting new issue, as I believe I read another similar issue that is closed as fixed.
EDIT: was using EIO 5.0.33 and ECore 5.39 prior to update - that is what my world is based on, and in it the conduits exhibited the same behaviors reported here. Removed and relaid some of the existing conduits and they still behaved the same way.
What happens: when equipping yeta wrench, conduits become transparent (wireframe) and cannot be interacted with (but not in all cases, i.e. sometimes fluid conduits act normally). Shift+RC has no effect on the conduit. LC affects whatever is behind the conduit. Redstone conduits do not connect/work with Thermal Foundation magmatic dynamos - can't even get them to work with a direct lever connection.
What you expected to happen: normal wrench interactions. redstone conduits working with any machine that accepts a redstone signal.
Steps to reproduce:
- lay some conduits that connect to receptive machines
- use redstone conduits in the conduit bundle
- attach lever, equip wrench, try to turn on and interact using wrench
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO: EIO 5.0.38
- EnderCore: ECore 5.43
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge: Forge Mod Loader version
- SpongeForge? no
- Optifine? yes
- Single Player and/or Server? Server
Your most recent log file where the issue was present: no errors - in game issue
This is intended behavior if the yeta wrench is in one of the special modes. Shift+scroll to switch to other modes.
So is the issue of the redstone conduits not working with the TE dynamo or even a basic lever not an EIO problem? Apologies, I kind of mixed two issues together.
Thanks T - I found a prior reported issue (closed) that gave me an idea to try, and was able to make the redstone conduits work. I realize it may be inheriting the channel color configuration, but it does feel a little wonky in the workflow that after laying the conduit and forcing a connection you have to change the output color (which I would swear I tried before, but maybe not) - would seem more natural (only for the redstone conduit) that the default input and output would be the same color since the most common usage is as "wire" vs. a binary flow path. Disregard issue though - both were operator error!