Ender IO Forestry

Ender IO Forestry


Dark Boots with identical stats (maybe other dark items), with a different upgrade briefly in storage then removed are not identical.

flyinblind opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Issue Description:

Dark Boots with identical stats that each had a different upgrade stored then removed, player would expect to be considered identical. If both placed in a storage that would stack identical items in the player view (ME network), Dark Boots are not counted as equal but different/separate items. Using one upgrade and inserting then removing from all storage slots of both items manually makes them identical similarly displayed/stacked.

What happens:

Dark Boots are not counted/considered as equal but separate items.

What you expected to happen:

Not have to manually apply same upgrade to storage slots to manually make similar.
If all storage slots of the item are removed should the item release any recent unseen configuration?

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Take 2 Dark Boots with no or identical upgrades.
  2. Add one different upgrade to storage slot of each item
  3. Remove same upgrade so item upgrade and storage slots are all identical
  4. Place both into ME storage

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • EnderIO: 5.3.70
  • EnderCore: 1.12.2-0.5.76
  • Minecraft: 1.12.2 - Tekxit ( TKX )
  • Forge: 14-23-5-2860 (Custom) by LexManos
  • SpongeForge? no
  • Optifine? no
  • Single Player
  • Tekxit 3.14 Pi (Official) 1.0.8
  • Applied Energistics 2 rv6-stable-7

Your most recent log file where the issue was present:

[pastebin/gist/etc link here]


sorry we don't Maintain 1.12.2 as much anymore, we are moving to next version MC 1.19+, there won't be any fixes or releases, after EnderIO is being completely rewrite