[enderio zoo 5.3.70] localization issues with entity chat messages on servers
xemnes opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Issue Description:
very odd issue that happens only on servers, its fine in single player. some messages relating to the entities of enderio zoo are unlocalized in chat.
ive checked to make sure entities from other mods have the same problem but seems not, its just enderio zoo
when in single player, it seems to be fine
ive tested it on a fresh new server with just enderio and enderio zoo installed, just to make sure any of my other mods were causing the problem but seems it still happens so it must be the mod itself.
- EnderIO: 5.3.70 - enderiozoo: 5.3.70
- EnderCore: 0.5.76
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge: 2847
- SpongeForge? - no
- Optifine? - yes (tested without too)
- Single Player and/or Server? - server problem only
my latest log from my test server environment https://pastebin.com/Ni9vHNtT
Same Root Cause of #4871