Ender Storage 1.8.+

Ender Storage 1.8.+


can't open the ender chest

racsumsar opened this issue ยท 3 comments


can't open ender chest and can't add color to it

edit: can't interact with neither tank or chest apart from placing and braking, pouch seems to work as intended

edit 2: after some testing and reference to recent comments I've gotten some new info, this is most likely a mod conflict since I tried it without issues in an install with only enderstorage installed (and as @Zeadrasil stated),
reach distance does not seem to be of a issue either and I've also tried to use the extendo grip from Create at different distances, and I've tried waterlogging the block above the chest.

as @Zeadrasil commented it seems that all player to block interactions doesn't work and after testing, both the tank and chest malfunction in the same way, but all block to block interactions seem to function correctly (eg. hoppers for chest and pipes for tank)

I also might try to isolate the mod conflict later, mod list is attached in the form of a curseforge client zip

I'm new here, please tell me what additional information I need to add to this issue

ships and shit.zip


How close are you to the EnderChest? Can you correctly perform these actions standing directly next to the EnderChest?

There is currently a known forge bug causing incorrect reach distances to be handed to the Client, whilst CCL/EnderStorage computes these correctly.


I too have this issue. I started a modded world with my friends, and added this in order to help with long-distance resource transport. It worked for the first few days, but then stopped working properly either after a crash or some more mods were added in. Since it no longer works on anybody else's end, it is quite likely that it is a compatibility issue with another mod. I can confirm that the ender chests otherwise function as intended, as they still transport items. You simply cannot look into the chest, change the color of the chest, or activate player-only mode. I will attempt to isolate the mod conflict later.


hello i am having the same issue and its not working from any distance from the ender chest

edit: i faund the incompatibility its whit valkyrienskies i know it does some weard stuff whit the reaching things alsow it alsow dosent work on or off ships

edit 2: i faund a temporary solution but you need to have op

so furst you need to do /data modify block ~ ~ ~ Frequency set value {middle: num, left: num, right: num}
replace ~~~ whit the cordinates of the ender chest and where it seas num you need to put in a number going from 0 to 15 they all corespond to dyes you can find which one coresponds to which color in the crative inventory white dye beaing 0 and black beaing 15 the middle: left: right: are self explanitory then onec you have done that you need to do

/setblock ~~~ air destroy
insted of ~~~ put in the same as you did for the furst command
arternatevly you can alsow just brake it in SURVIVAL but it takes a long time

you still wont be able to accses the chest but at least you can input and out put whit create or other mods
and the same goes for the tanks