Ender Storage 1.8.+

Ender Storage 1.8.+


Render issue when selecting create mechanical craft option for either Ender tank or Ender Chest in gui

GothCartel opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When selecting either the tank or the chest recipe as a Create mechanical craft the game saves and closes with a rendering issue. Having checked many other items its only the tank or chest that causes the crash.


This is caused by Ender Storage reporting its recoloring recipe crafting grid size as 3x3, therefore Create expects there to be 9 ingredients (including empty ones); however Ender Storage does not provide 9 ingredients for its "3x3" recipe and Create errors out.

Unfortunately Create doesn't support blacklisting specific recipes from mechanical crafting, so my solution is to just straight up remove the recoloring recipes with KubeJS until this issue is resolved. Recoloring can still be done in-world after all.
event.remove({ type: 'enderstorage:recolour_recipe' })