Ender Zoo

Ender Zoo


Dire Slimes (Khndrel Keght) causing slowdown with Ender Quarry

RoyCurtis opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When using an ExtraUtilities Ender Quarry with World Hole upgrade, Dire Slimes spawn at a relatively high rate without a cap and without the presence of a player. This can potentially make single-player or a server very slow.

Discovered on

  • Direwolf20 1.7.0 for 1.7.10 live server
  • Forge
  • EnderZoo 1.0.13
    • It should be noted that EnderZoo 1.0.14 reduces the default spawning chance of Dire Slimes


I am reporting this because this new mob came as an unpleasant surprise to my server. After upgrading to DW20 1.7.0, our server had begun to slow down to 5 TPS when a player would enter our digger world.

It was eventually found that an Ender Quarry with a World Hole upgrade had spawned thousands of Dire Slimes. Given the unattended nature of quarries, I fear this may cause issues for other server owners or players.


Using Direwolf20 1.7.0 as the reproduction environment

  1. Create a normally generated world with Creative mode and normal difficulty
  2. Over an area with dirt or grass, create an Ender Quarry setup with:
    • A Thermal Expansion Nullifier accepting input from the quarry
    • A Thermal Expansion Creative Cell
    • A Ender Quarry World Hole upgrade
    • A Ender Quarry Speed III upgrade
  3. Using Angel blocks and Ender-Markers, create a perimeter attached to the quarry
  4. Right click the Ender Quarry
  5. Observe as Dire Slimes spawn and collect in the quarry


Set D:direSlimeChance=0 under "dire slime" in enderzoo/EnderZoo.cfg


By vanilla mechanic, hostile mobs should only spawn when a player is nearby and should be capped by an upper limit. Ideally, Dire Slimes should respect this mechanic to prevent this issue from happening.


Thank you for the fix! Tested 1.0.15 on a copy of DW20 1.7.0 and it solved the problem.