[Mod interaction] khndrel keght spawns from ender quarry + world hole upgrade
kotoroshinoto opened this issue ยท 8 comments
absolutely massive numbers of these things spawn even when giving a silk touch upgrade to the quarry.
@tgstyle Then the Mekanism Atomic Disassembler pretends to be a real player. Nothing we can do from our side, that'd be on Mekanism's end.
So it is a hand tool? Not really related to this issue...
A khndrel keght is spawned when a dirt or grass block is broken by a player using a tool that is not effective on dirt. To determine if it is effective, we ask the tool. Only if the tool answers that it is not effective, will we potentially spawn one.
That is not the case, the Atomic Disassembler works just as a normal tool, passing the using player as the one breaking the block.