Ender Zoo

Ender Zoo


Client Crash

APolarBaer opened this issue ยท 9 comments



im honestly unsure if this is caused by your mod still as it happens fairly randomly but ill give it a shot because i havent found anything on this crash



I see nothing in there that point towards Ender Zoo.

The crash itself is a bit mysterious. It either should happen every time it's an Enderman's turn to make a sound (even though the default sound is 'silence'), or never. In the first case it'd mean that the mobs were registered at game start on the server in a different order than on the client.


any suggestions? its happening exceptionally often :/


Without a debugger or a special mod to add diagnostics, no idea.

What happens: An Enderman asks for the value of its SCREAMING property but gets the value of its CARRIED_BLOCK property instead. I don't even see a way for this to happen. The mismatch between server and client was a longshot, but seems very unlikely to actually work that way.

I'm tending toward the reason that a mod sets a wrong value into that property. Do you have any mod that changes the ways Enderman react or what they carry? Or one that has subtypes of Endermen? (no, EnderMinis ore not one)


ive been looking to try and see if any of my mods change enderman but its really hard for me to tell when all i can see is the general info they post, if youd like i can post a linked modlist?
either way i appreciate the help, having to play on peaceful to try and avoid the almost constant crashes now :/


i could install a debug mod if your willing to help xD


the server gives me nothing useful >w<


i tried disabling mobgriefing and i still crashed :/


Then remove half of your mods, and see if the situation changes.


i cant replicate it in single player either...