Ender Zoo

Ender Zoo


Item conduits

Closed this issue · 4 comments


With the latest BC, EIO, and TE, the EIO item conduits don't attach to TE's Tesseracts. Fluid ones still work properly. Skyboy swears (hatefully) that it's not TE or anything to do with TE. Only mentioned BC because their wooden pipes don't attach to tesseracts either.


Ok well...nothing changed in item conduit code.

The only variable here is the TE update, I don't see any other option?



Have you actually configured the tesseract? Is it backstuffed? also, open this on the correct repo.


Yeah, both were configured and working fine. Neither backstuffed. I
thought it was TE, but what do I know?

-------Original Message-------

From: tterrag1098

Date: 11/11/14 04:51:25

To: CrazyPants/EnderZoo

Cc: harley9699699

Subject: Re: [EnderZoo] Item conduits (#15)

Have you actually configured the tesseract? Is it backstuffed? also, open
this on the correct repo.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.


It's not TE.

I have multiple people (with screenshots) telling me it still works fine.