Ender Zoo

Ender Zoo


No Any Mob Spawns Except Khndrel Keght

Closed this issue ยท 4 comments


using forge 2282, minecraft 1.11.2. i'm playing this mod for 1 month, but i saw only khndrel keght so far. can you add spawn chance for mobs? or, maybe there is a bug/uncompatibility with biomesOP or Alternate Terrain Generation mods?


Im noticing this as well ill try to look into it this weekend if i have time. They spawn from eggs but not naturally. 1.10.2 is fine.

I was using vanilla biomes too


I kindof almost see the problem but havent found a fix yet. Log file says

[21:14:58] [Client thread/WARN] [enderzoo]: Skipping spawn entry ConcussionCreeper as mob EnderZoo.ConcussionCreeper is not registered
[21:14:58] [Client thread/WARN] [enderzoo]: Skipping spawn entry EnderMiny as mob EnderZoo.Enderminy is not registered
[21:14:58] [Client thread/WARN] [enderzoo]: Skipping spawn entry FallenKnight as mob EnderZoo.FallenKnight is not registered
[21:14:58] [Client thread/WARN] [enderzoo]: Skipping spawn entry WitherWitch as mob EnderZoo.WitherWitch is not registered
[21:14:58] [Client thread/WARN] [enderzoo]: Skipping spawn entry DireWolf as mob EnderZoo.DireWolf is not registered
[21:14:58] [Client thread/WARN] [enderzoo]: Skipping spawn entry Owl as mob EnderZoo.Owl is not registered

Which is from

Class<? extends EntityLiving> clz = (Class<? extends EntityLiving>) EntityList.getClass(new ResourceLocation(EnderZoo.MODID,entry.getMobName()));

So need to fix entity registration


Submitted my fix to the authors #175


oh, thats great to see. hope they fix it soon. thank you man