WitherArrow Enchantment Off-Hand Interaction
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I am using Ender Zoo v1.12.1- inside the FC3 modpack.
The Wither Arrow enchantment is missing a name as the enchant book "enchantment.witherArrow" inside JEI.
Anyway, when applied to a bow and placed in my off-hand, the wither effect will apply on my primary hand as well. This means I gain the power to wither punch! (or sword etc).
The first one either is a JEI bug or no longer relevant for the next version.
The second on is a vanilla/forge bug. It applies the offhand item's enchantments on every hit in addition to the mainhand ones, expecting it to contain armor enchantments only.
PS: You get the same effect with Bane of Arthropods...
tyler, that would be a different bug. The code path that applies bane (Enchantment.onEntityDamaged()
) is not used for anything else in vanilla.
However, Thorns also shares this trait. Here any item in any hand triggers instead of just armor slots.