Ender Zoo

Ender Zoo


Unknown server crash

Closed this issue ยท 9 comments


Not sure what is going on here, someone using my pack on a server keeps getting it.




More details:

  • It only crashes clients, but it crashes out everyone who is on the server at the time.
  • This particular server operator has every mob disabled except the enderminy and the concussion creeper.

Got the same issue after latest update. EnderZoo Server DOES NOT crash, just client. My pastebin has a little bit more information but basically same crash.


Update: Downgraded EnderZoo to and still got the crash. Attempting to downgrade EnderIO as well.

Update: Downgraded EnderIO as well, still got crash. Must be a conflict with other updated mods. Will have to look further.


Check this one out, the mod isn't even installed serverside, only clientside.

Adding to this issue because it's related to the first one, I recommended that they remove the mod serverside to prevent crashes until it's fixed.



Seems to be caused by Entity IDs conflicting. This could definitely happen if there are different mods on the client and the server so the assigned IDs will be different.
What is happening is a mob is being spawned on the server, and when the client gets the packet it retries the entity for that ID, which is resolving to the concussion TNT instead entity instead of the mob that was spawned.
Doesnt seem to be much I can do about this.


I can't prove it, but I have a feeling it may have something to do with this:

I'm hoping an update of Galacticraft will fix it.

@jermangarc Are you using Galacticraft by any chance?

Anyways, I'll report back later if that fixed it or not.


That certainly looks like it could be the cause of the issue.

The second issue you raised: http://pastebin.com/zayXhGQL is actually unrelated, but I am fixing that now.


@CrazyPants No we're not using Galacticraft, but I think you hit the nail right on the head. I couldn't replicate the problem after I had redone the whole process over again. I hadn't mentioned it before but right before I crashed, I was flying around making sure everything was loading correctly (I do this every time I do major updates to server), and I noticed a dragon walking around in a forest behind my base. I thought that was very odd. I flew in to investigate and CRASH! Thankfully it was on a test server. When I redid the whole process again, the dragon was gone, but this time I found a black Silverfish walking around in its place.

The only mods that I can think off that would have caused this would be Dragon Mounts or Hardcore Ender Expansion. Only two that I can think of that add non-vanilla dragons.

Thanks for looking into this, and it's an honor bud.


Do you think this can be closed now?
Doesnt seem I can do much more to fix it.


This issue is getting a bit out of hand and unfocused.

I'm not sure if we are all having the same issue here.

I would just close it and deal with it if it comes up again in the future. It can always be cross-referenced if needed.