Ender Zoo

Ender Zoo


Wither Witch spawn rate is really high & ignoring group size config

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Witches seem to be spawning at a really high rate. Their spawn control config is just default (I've made no modifications).

To make sure I wasn't going crazy, I made a new instance with only EnderZoo installed. Below is an example of the sort of things I'm seeing.


Despite what the configuration says, they also seem to be spawning in pairs a lot as well. E.g.:


I investigated further, and found that EnderZoo is putting the following in SpawnConfig_User.xml by default (SpawnConfig_Core.xml looks pretty normal). This would appear to be the culprit for the high spawn rate, but does it also explain the spawning in pairs?

<!-- Enabling this section will stop all slime spawns
  <entry id="Slime" mobName="Slime" creatureType="monster" rate="80" remove="true">
    <biomeFilter type="any">
      <biome type="BASE_LAND_TYPES" />
 <entry id="WitherWitchMore" mobName="enderzoo.WitherWitch" rate="5" minGroupSize="1" maxGroupSize="1" remove="true">
   <biomeFilter type="any">
      <biome type="FOREST" />
      <biome type="SWAMP" />
      <biome type="PLAINS" />
      <biome type="HILLS" />
      <biome type="MOUNTAIN" />
      <biome type="NETHER" exclude="true" />
      <biome type="END" exclude="true" />

 <entry id="WitherWitchMore" mobName="enderzoo.WitherWitch" rate="100" minGroupSize="1" maxGroupSize="1">
    <biomeFilter type="any">
      <biome type="FOREST" />
      <biome type="SWAMP" />
      <biome type="PLAINS" />
      <biome type="HILLS" />
      <biome type="MOUNTAIN" />
      <biome type="NETHER" exclude="true" />
      <biome type="END" exclude="true" />
