Ender Zoo

Ender Zoo


Crash on world startup

MnMaxon opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Thank you so much for creating this mod, it's really useful, I'm using it in the DireWolf20 FTB mod pack.
When my game first crashed I wasn't sure why, I wasn't really doing anything, so I didn't read the crash log and I figured I just ran out of memory or something. I logged back on, and played for about another 2 hours. This time I noticed something weird, two or three chunks near my house weren't loading. This happened before in an earlier version of the mod pack, but then it fixed itself, so I didn't pay much attention to it. I don't think there were any enderio machines in those chunks, there should have only been sugar cane and some sheep, so I don't know if this had anything to do with your mods or the crash. My game then crashed again, so I thought my computer was just being stupid, and tried to log back on again. I tried twice, and both times, while trying to join the world, my game crashed, I eventually looked in the error log (below), and I gave the error to the Thermal Expansion team, then they told me it was a problem with enderio and red stone conduits (I really like the conduits by the way, they're a lot better than other power/item/liquid/ae2 cables). I'm only using red stone conduits in one spot, they're being hooked up to a thermal expansion machine called an Autonomous Activator.

pastebin: http://pastebin.com/uuW8cU8q
I'm hoping there's some way for me to fix this (would disabling red stone conduits be possible, and would it fix the problem?), anyway, thanks for reading.


This was posted in the wrong place