Concussion Creeper Teleporting Player to Void
AmmolS opened this issue · 10 comments
Concussion Creepers can teleport players that are underground into the void. This can be a problem as players will have no way of retrieving their lost items or finding their grave. This was tested in the Overworld.
Tested with:
Ender Zoo -
Forge -
Happened to my brother as well, luckily he had a jetpack so he could fly until i had ported him out ^^
I can confirm this as well. I just had this happen on the Infinity Pack from FTB. It teleported me about 200M below bedrock.
EnderZoo v1.0.11.28
I can confirm this. - I lost EXTREMELY expensive items twice.
It teleported me to the void. While I was mining - Came to the point that I just deleted my world.
I am a bit upset right now. - I completely Disabled the concussion creeper all together.
Yea, can confirm. Happend to me once, lost shitton of expensive items, but then again, that's the danger of them. Learned from my mistakes, moved on. They had a coupla chances to do it again, but couldn't 'cos I protected myself.
This is happening to players on my server.
I'm going to just change the teleport range to 0 for temp fix.
Ender Zoo -
If you loose your stuff and you have Openblocks a admin can restore the items via the command "/op_inventory restore".
So I noticed in changelog for it says "- #92 Concussion Creeper Teleporting to Void" - doesnt say whether the actual fix is included. So I come here and the issue is still open. Has this been fixed in the latest releases?
It has. I just forgot to close the issue.
On 01/09/2015 12:11 AM, "p455w0rd" [email protected] wrote:
So I noticed in changelog for in the changelog it says "- #92
#92 Concussion Creeper
Teleporting to Void" - doesnt say whether the actual fix is included. So I
come here and the issue is still open. Has this been fixed in the latest
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