[1.16.3] Lack of registering configured feature
kwpugh opened this issue · 4 comments
I'm the author of Gobber mod: https://github.com/kwpugh/Gobber
When I two mods are installed together, both of our ores in the end doo not spawn. I'm not experienced enough to understand what might be causing it.
Can you give it a look to see if you can figure it out.
The issue is because Enderite is not registering their configuredfeatures which causes their unregistered cf to break the biome's codec and make it wipe out everyone else's registered cfs.
So the fix for this specific mod is to change this:
to this:
ConfiguredFeature<?, ?> enderite_cf = Feature.ORE
.withConfiguration(new OreFeatureConfig(fillerBlockType, state, 3))
Registry.register(WorldGenRegistries.field_243653_e, new ResourceLocation(Enderite.MODID, "enderite_cf"), enderite_cf);
WorldGenRegistries.field_243657_i.forEach(biome -> {
if (biome.getCategory() == Biome.Category.THEEND) {
BiomeHandler handler = new BiomeHandler(biome);
handler.addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES, enderite_cf );
Thanks for the report and the fix. I'm currently unable to test this but i will let our Forge developer know of the fix.