Conversion Rates
Ozone5009 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
What is the Conversion Rate for all the outputs. Mainly looking for EU to MJ but would like to have a full list
I've been using the same conversion factors that each power system used based on their coal to power value.
MJ = buildcraft
EU = ic2
RF = thermal expansion
FE = Forge Energy
BP = BridgePower (The internal representation in an energy bridge)
BP <-> RF, BP <-> FE and BP <-> Tesla are each 1:1
BP <-> EU is 1:0.25 (or 1 eu is 4 BP)
BP <-> MJ is 1:~0.06667 (or 1 MJ is 15 BP)
All conversions are lossless by default.
The mod does not directly convert MJ to EU or vise versa, it always is converted to BP first. Effectively you get the following values:
1 EU -> 4 BP -> ~0.26667 MJ
1 MJ -> 15 BP -> 3.75 EU
These values should be exactly the same as in Power Converters back in the old days.
All these values are also in the config.