[1.16.1] Rain and snow are not visible through the windows
Patronelli opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Minenecraft 1.16.1
There's that problem even using only Engineer's Decor mod.
Quickly peeked, currently the issue is not solvable without a MC fix e.g. in Forge (the model composition changed here, which likely requires an additional rendering type). That may need time, so I'll defer the issue for now.
Oky doke, I did dig into that - and it's actually a vanilla thing and not a bug (https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-201278). What I forgot to do initially is to check how vanilla Stained Glass Panes render. They render the same as the mod windows.
To see rain/snow/particles behind translucent blocks we have to set the graphics to "Fabulous!" instead of "Fancy" ;-).
(So I'll close the issue).