Enhanced AI

Enhanced AI


Zombie Miner causing java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException:

Poke024 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Describe the bug
The miner's BlockBreakerGoal, canHarvestBlock method is somehow causing an IndexOutOfBoundsException.

Versions where you encountered the problem (Use the exact version numbers, not 'latest' or similar):

  • Minecraft: 1.20.1
  • Forge: 47.2.6
  • Enhanced AI: 2.0.3
  • InsaneLib: 1.12.1

Steps to reproduce

  1. Load server.
  2. ?????????
  3. Miner zombie spawns and decides today is a great day to check if it can harvest a block.
  4. Crashes the server.


Can the issue be reproduced with EnhancedAI only (or with a minimal set of mods)?
Unknown. It's up to the universe if it wants to spawn a Miner zombie and crash the game.


Should've added, this was on the Craft to Exile 2 modpack. Let me know if this issue occurring in a modpack means I should redirect the issue submission elsewhere.


This is strange. I will check it.


Oh wait. Update to a newer version