Enhanced AI

Enhanced AI


Creeper breaching not working correctly / Surrounding zombies being aggro'd upon one getting hit.

4zy1 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Creepers will not explode to breach if the player has dug a hole and placed a block above them, sometimes the Creeper will ignite as if they're about to explode, but never will, and most of the time they just never ignite at all. And zombies have an issue where if you shoot/hit a single zombie, all surrounding zombies will get aggroed, even with all settings off/set to their lowest.

  • Minecraft: 1.20.1
  • Forge: 47.3.5
  • Enhanced AI: 2.4.2
  • InsaneLib: 1.13.5

Please use the latest version

This still happens on the latest version, I tried this on the latest one first than downgraded to see if these issues were caused by an update.


Will take a look.

And zombies have an issue where if you shoot/hit a single zombie, all surrounding zombies will get aggroed, even with all settings off/set to their lowest.

This is vanilla, idk what setting you're talking about


The creepers stop because you disabled the targeting feature. Vanilla mobs stop targeting you they can't see you for 2 or so seconds


Here's my config file if that helps, I uploaded it as a .json since .toml's can't be uploaded here.



Please use the latest version