1.20.x: Zombies can break blocks under miner_block_blacklist list
Elemeants opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Describe the bug
While trying to set a "safe" base that can prevent zombies to break in, we found that somehow, the zombies were able to break blocks that shouldn't be able. Ref: miner_block_blacklist.json
Versions where you encountered the problem (Use the exact version numbers, not 'latest' or similar):
- Minecraft: 1.20.1
- Forge: 47.3.0
- Enhanced AI: 1.20.x
- InsaneLib: 1.12.0
Steps to reproduce
I added
- We created a bedrock or crying_obisidian layer above zombies with pickaxes.
- Those zombies were able to break the bedrock/crying_obsidian. (A single layer)
Can the issue be reproduced with EnhancedAI only (or with a minimal set of mods)?
Some quick debug
I have never done any minecraft mod, so I may be super wrong lol.
Maybe the problem is that in the path-finding algorithm on BlockBreakerGoal#fillTargetBlocks
we're taking in count the blacklist but when we are transversing the queue, the BlockBreakerGoal#canBreakBlock
is not taking in count that?
private boolean canBreakBlock() {
if (!this.blockState.requiresCorrectToolForDrops() || !this.properToolRequired)
return true;
ItemStack stack = this.miner.getOffhandItem();
if (stack.isEmpty())
return false;
return !this.blockState.is(MinerMobs.BLOCK_BLACKLIST) && stack.isCorrectToolForDrops(this.blockState);
So we could check if the block is some of the blacklist and return false if so.
Quick update, some zombies that aren't miners break blocks (I added the change I described above and didn't work too)
public EnhancedAI() {
// Trying to determine if `BLOCK_BLACKLIST` has data
Block obsidian = ForgeRegistries.BLOCKS.getValue(ResourceLocation.tryParse("minecraft:obsidian"));
Block cryingObsidian = ForgeRegistries.BLOCKS.getValue(ResourceLocation.tryParse("minecraft:crying_obsidian"));
boolean isObsidianInBlacklist = obsidian.defaultBlockState().is(MinerMobs.BLOCK_BLACKLIST);
boolean isCryingObsidianInBlacklist = cryingObsidian.defaultBlockState().is(MinerMobs.BLOCK_BLACKLIST);
// Trying to "manually" register the json file and then log the parsed results
TagKey<Block> t = ForgeRegistries.BLOCKS.tags().createTagKey(new ResourceLocation(EnhancedAI.MOD_ID, "miner_block_blacklist"));
List<Block> blocks = ForgeRegistries.BLOCKS.tags().getTag(t).stream().toList();
LOGGER.warn("Is Obsidian in BLACKLIST? " + isObsidianInBlacklist);
LOGGER.warn("Is Crying Obsidian in BLACKLIST? " + isCryingObsidianInBlacklist);
My Minecraft log was the following: it seems like the resources are never loaded.
[20:21:14] [modloading-worker-0/WARN] [in.en.EnhancedAI/]: []
[20:21:14] [modloading-worker-0/WARN] [in.en.EnhancedAI/]: Is Obsidian in BLACKLIST? false
[20:21:14] [modloading-worker-0/WARN] [in.en.EnhancedAI/]: Is Crying Obsidian in BLACKLIST? false
Can't reproduce this. I've added stone and the miners don't mine it.
Also you can't check if stuff is in tags when the mod loads as they don't exist until a world is opened. To check if a block is in a block tag just check in F3 when looking at it on the right side
Interesting @Insane96, Did u test it on a "flat" map world or how did u test it? I could try to do the same on my end and debug it.yo
Btw, any advices on how to debug the MinerMob behavior?
@Insane96 Will close this issue as the behavior was reproduced even after removing the mod, so it should be a different mod! Thanks!