Enhanced AI

Enhanced AI


[Suggestion] Non-zombifying Piglins and Hoglins

nekomaster1000 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Adding a config option to change the ratio/turn off Piglin zombifying in other dimensions would be cool! :]
I don't know of another mod that does this, and it could allow for some interesting surprise Overworld encounters!
Would look something like:

[Piglin."No Zombification Chance"]

  • Chance for a Piglin to NOT zombify when in the Overworld
    Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
    "No Zombification Chance" = 0.2

Additionally, being able to make Zombified Piglins always hostile would be great, too!

[ZombifiedPiglin."Hostility Chance"]

  • Chance for a Zombified Piglin to be hostile
    Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
    "Hostility Chance" = 0.2

This has nothing to do with AI