EnhancedAI Creepers Crashing the Game with Immersive Engineering Revolver
Mathead253 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Describe the bug
Whenever I fire a Immersive Engineering revolver at any number of creepers in creative my game crashes
- Minecraft: 1.16.5
- Forge: 36.2.34
- Enhanced AI: 1.2.3
- InsaneLib: 1.4.2
Steps to reproduce
- Open a creative world
- Spawn in any number of creepers
- Shoot them with any ammo in the immersive engineering revolver
Use a paste site (pastebin, gist) to send the game logs (both logs and crash if applicable)
Crash Report: https://pastebin.com/sp2HW7v1
Log: https://pastebin.com/85mc3QdL
Can the issue be reproduced with a mininal set of mods? (E.g. EnhancedAI + InsaneLib + Tinkers' Construct)
Yes (EnhancedAI + InsaneLib + Immersive Engineering)
That's not possible as the target is checked earlier and the creeper cannot be null. IE might be doing something strange.
I think you're right because shooting the IE revolver at creepers (or mobs like skeletons or zombies) allows them to target a player in creative mode. I think this is what's causing the issue because no crashes occur in survival throughout my testing.
I don't think this is a major issue but I'm going to close this issue and create a new one on the IE issue tracker.