[Bug]: Blood moon apears, and only lasts for around 1 minute. then leaves?
GttiqwT opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Minecraft Version
Enhanced Celestials Version
Mod Loader
Mod Loader Version
Bug Severity
What happened?
I was playing my heavily modded singleplayer modpack I made. I was in a mesa biome and the blood moon started. It only lasted for around 1 minute and then dissapeared. When it happend I tried to sleep (which didnt work, part of the mod which is good) but the mobs didnt seen any harder. They did spawn more frequiently and had a larger find range, but it was VERY very short and then went away. Kinda dissapointed and im assuming its a bug. Let me know, thanks!
Mod version: 2.0.9
Mc Version: 1.18.1
Forge Version: 39.1.0
I have 107 mods loaded total.
This happens in mod version for Fabric 0.14.21 for Minecraft 1.19.2 as well. Not limited to blood moons, all moons will occasionally exhibit this behavior.