Enhanced Celestials - Blood, Blue, & Harvest (Super) Moons

Enhanced Celestials - Blood, Blue, & Harvest (Super) Moons


[Crash]: incompatible/incorrect files possibly caused by optifine on 1.19.4

toxicblonde opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Minecraft Version


Enhanced Celestials Version

Mod Loader


Mod Loader Version


What happened?

Apologies, I have never had this type of crash before and I apologize if this type of error is not of the modder's concern. Game is unable to render due to a sponge/mixin error?. Under the crash report I can pick out this line:

Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InjectionError: LVT in net/minecraft/client/renderer/LightTexture::m_109881_(F)V has incompatible changes at opcode 87 in callback enhancedcelestials.mixins.json:client.MixinLightMapTexture->@Inject::doOurLightMap(FLorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfo;Lnet/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ClientLevel;FFFFFFFLorg/joml/Vector3f;)V.
Expected: [Lnet/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ClientLevel;, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, Lorg/joml/Vector3f;]
Found: [Lnet/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ClientLevel;, Z, F, F, F]
Available: [Lnet/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ClientLevel;, Z, F, F, F]

I've troubleshooted the last couple days and as far as I can tell, it is a problem in part from Optifine HD_U_I3. I know CorgiTaco is not responsible for Optifine's problems but I only come across this problem from Enhanced Celestials. Is this an issue I can correct on my end (config and the like) or is this irremediable for me as the user? I have tested my entire 'modpack' now with Rubidium and no issues whatsoever so I'm stumped :(






Yeah optifine is incompatible. They do far too many hacks and other things that just make it impossible to work with


I've hit this problem as well. Were you able to find any way to work around it, or is the only option to disable one of the two mods?


I've hit this problem as well. Were you able to find any way to work around it, or is the only option to disable one of the two mods?

sorry, I started school and a new job so I abandoned it completely due to no workaround, if I recall correctly. & yes, only option was to disable one or the other.


I've hit this problem as well. Were you able to find any way to work around it, or is the only option to disable one of the two mods?

sorry, I started school and a new job so I abandoned it completely due to no workaround, if I recall correctly. & yes, only option was to disable one or the other.

Ah no problem. It's not much of a fix but I was able to work around the issue by using embeddium+oculus to load shaders instead of optifine, if you or anyone else in the future sees this and needs a workaround