[Bug]: Still possible to sleep through Blood Moons with (at least) Upgrade Aquatic's bedroll
lamoyrl90 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
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What happened?
Haven't tested it with other bedlike blocks, but I was able to sleep through a Blood Moon with Upgrade Aquatic's bedroll. No log to provide, just an anecdotal report of unintended behavior.
I'm not sure if it's possible to generically block bed-like behavior. If it's possible, maybe add a "Beds" config option for packmakers to add additional blocks that are restricted during lunar events,
Either way, figured I'd at least give you a heads' up. Worst case, packmakers will have to choose between denying sleep during blood moons, or not letting players get alternative beds.
It is upgrade Aquatic's duty to use the appropriate checks. In this case Upgrade Aquatic should use LivingEntity.isInValidBed
to ensure my mod's checks are fired from here: https://github.com/CorgiTaco/Enhanced-Celestials/blob/Forge-1.16.X/src/main/java/corgitaco/enhancedcelestials/mixin/MixinLivingEntity.java#L36