[Bug]: Crashs at starting
TheButterbrotMan opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Mod Version
Mod Loader
Mod Loader Version
What happened?
Crashs at starting
Maybe an incompatible with https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/vmp-fabric
im getting this bug also, the mod version is 2.0.6, i moved it into a breakaway folder and the game ran fine. and im on 1.18.1, using fabric loader 0.13.3, and my mod list is as follows: additional additions, any capes, axolotl item fix, BClib, better nether and end, better leads, cit resewn, ears, extra origins, fabric api, fabric language kotlin, flonters, ibarn origins, impaled, iris, kanzashi, lamb dynamic light, limitless, mob origins, mod menu, ok zoomer, origins, origins classes, origins umbrellas, owo lib, patchouli, pehkui, plasma voice, puzzle, simple gravestones, sodium and sodium extra, things, trinkets, twigs, variant barrels and crafting tables, wthit, and xaeros. is there any of these that are incompatible with enhanced celestials?