[1.16.4/5] Sound muting interferes with Dynamic Surroundings volume scaling
OreCruncher opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Dynamic Surroundings uses Mixin to hook getClampedVolume(). EnhancedVisuals redirects the call to it's own private version. As a result Dynamic Surroundings does not have a chance to apply various volume effects to a sound play. For example, if a player adjusts the Footstep volume scaling factor it will not have any affect on the sound.
Not sure of the best way forward to resolve atm. On the surface I am wondering if it would be possible to add a config option to disable muting, and let the regular Minecraft routine proceed. I am not sure if it could be resolved on my end. I will need to do some thinking.
I reworked my hook, both mods should work fine again. If not please let me know.
@CreativeMD Thank you!