"Spellstone active ability" button crash
Tillllt opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):
- Enigmatic Legacy: Since 1.8.0 (and later)
- Curios API:
- Forge: 32.0.108
Description of a Bug:
If press "Spellstone active ability" button without spellstone. Crash causes if you have not found any spellstones yet. No other mods used.
How to Reproduce:
- Create new world
- Press "Spellstone active ability" button
- ...
- Behold!
Crash Log: Please use a paste site like hastebin.
at com.integral.enigmaticlegacy.handlers.SuperpositionHandler.lambda$getSpellstone$1(SuperpositionHandler.java:155)
at net.minecraftforge.common.util.LazyOptional.ifPresent(LazyOptional.java:161)
at com.integral.enigmaticlegacy.handlers.SuperpositionHandler.getSpellstone(SuperpositionHandler.java:152)
Ah shit, here we null again.
At least it only happens when spellstone slot isn't unlocked yet. Will be fixed in upcoming major update.