[EMF] Entity Model Features [Fabric & Forge]

[EMF] Entity Model Features [Fabric & Forge]


[Bug] Incompatible with Sophisticated Backpacks

IranMine123 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


DISCLAIMER: This is a duplicate of P3pp3rF1y/SophisticatedBackpacks#1223 issue. as the developer request, the issue is reposted on here.

Describe the bug
Hello. it seems Sophisticated Backpacks mod is not compatible with Entity Model Features (EMF). the issue is I'm using a resource pack that makes player have better animation which handled by EMF. but the backpack is not get animated. here is a video:


To Reproduce

  1. Installing both Sophisticated Backpack & Core and EMF mod
  2. Installing a player animation model resource pack (like Expressive Fresh Moves)
  3. doing F5 and backpack animation not synced with EMF

Expected behavior
Compatible with EMF, so I can see backpack is moving within the player's chest

Minecraft: 1.21.1 Fabric (I don't think its fixed on forge too)
Sophisticated Core:
Sophisticated Backpacks:
Entity Model Features (EMF): 2.2.2
Entity Texture Features (ETF): 6.2.2


note to self: possible mixin target detailed in linked issue


@Traben-0 sorry for mention but as you know the bug get fixed (P3pp3rF1y/SophisticatedBackpacks@c86c72a) so im closing this