All the armor is broken [Bug]
Reavez5 opened this issue ยท 9 comments
Have you checked if a similar issue is already reported by someone else?
- I checked there are no similar issues have been reported.
Have you read the support policy?
- I read it and I accept the policy.
Are you using the latest Epic Fight and recommended Forge version?
- I checked I'm using latest Epic Fight and recommended Forge version.
Is this issue related to mod incompatibility?
- This is a mod compatibility issue and I'm aware of the problem.
The mod
No response
Minecraft Version
What happened?
Every armor, even vanilla, is broken in battle mode.
Looks like you have loads of mods installed, make sure to remove one by one and see which one is causing this issue, if you have any ResourcePacks, alsomake sure to remove those for now so we can track down this issue
Same bug here, happens even when Epic Fight is the only mod installed, without resourcepacks or datapacks loaded, 1.16.5, EpicFight-16.6.0-ALPHA. Forge 36.2.29
No, tried it in a new instance with fresh forge install trough curseforge launcher.
In curseforge launcher for mc 1.16.5 the latest forge version is Forge 36.2.29, is what I used,same bug wit Forge 36.2.34.
ok, i'll report this to the lead developer so he can take an in depth look at it
in 1.18.2 this bug does not exist, tested right now with latest Epic Fight version.