Incompatable with Mekanism
Acat1234 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Have you checked if a similar issue is already reported by someone else?
- I checked there are no similar issues have been reported.
Have you read the support policy?
- I read it and I accept the policy.
Are you using the latest Epic Fight and recommended Forge version?
- I checked I'm using latest Epic Fight and recommended Forge version.
Is this issue related to mod incompatibility?
- This is a mod compatibility issue and I'm aware of the problem.
The mod
Minecraft Version
What happened?
I tried to follow your guide on patching armor models to patch the Mekasuit. I applied the weight paint in such a way that it fits the model's aesthetics. When I tried to export it, Blender had a division by zero error. I patched the exporter to use zero in that case. Regardless, I created the resourcepack, and tried to use it, but no change in-game. I cannot figure out what exactly I am doing wrong. If having this resourcepack can help you in some way, it can be downloaded here.