[Suggestion]: Add a config option to turn on/off vanilla nether star dropping
Kouchya opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Have you checked if there's any similar suggestions ?
- I checked, there are no similar suggestions that have been reported.
Are you using the latest Epic Fight ?
- I checked I'm using latest Epic Fight version.
Is this suggestion related to another mod? (i.e: add animations for X mod)
- This is related to other mods.
The mod
No response
Minecraft Version
What's your suggestion?
The wither killed by player leaves a DroppedNetherStar entity where it dies instead of dropping a nether star item. This is cool in some ways, but it makes automatic wither farming impossible - the wither just won't drop any stars when auto-killed. It would be nice if a serverside config option is provided to toggle the vanilla-style nether star dropping.