[Bug|]: sword doesn't swing correctly when first person model is turned off
MeMeiki opened this issue ยท 3 comments
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Minecraft Version
The Issue
So when i turn off first person model and spam click or click fastly, the sword stops swinging and just stays up, while the efm swing animation is still playing.
Steps to Reproduce
Load up efm with no other mods, turn off first person model in config, equip a weapon, turn on battle mode, click fastly.
This is not a bug but feature to ensure the compatibility with mods having their own first person models.
This is not a bug but feature to ensure the compatibility with mods having their own first person models.
What mods are you talking about in particular? first person model mod doesn't work with efm anyway?
Why not fix the issue in vanilla efm and just keep it when the specific mods are installed?
What mods are you talking about in particular? first person model mod doesn't work with efm anyway? Why not fix the issue in vanilla efm and just keep it when the specific mods are installed?
Any mods that makes changes to the first person model. If you don't like this, feel free to make changes through a pull request.