Epic Fight

Epic Fight


Loot Config Suggestion

XanTheMann opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Add the ability to change loot tables in the Epic Fight Mod config file.


Chance of finding a Katana in a Desert/Jungle Pyramid chest (10%)

100% will guarantee a Katana in every Desert/Jungle Pyramid chest, 0% will make Katanas unobtainable.

Chance of finding a Skill Book in a chest (50%)

100% will guarantee a Skill Book in every chest, 0% will make Skill Books unobtainable from chests.

Chance of a Skill Book dropping from a mob (5%)

100% will guarantee a Skill Book from every mob, 0% will make Skill Books unobtainable from mobs.

Future loot items could also be added here.