Epic Fight

Epic Fight


Dodge not working in server 1.12.2

Danissemo opened this issue ยท 29 comments


Hello, on server 1.12.2, with mod version 2.2.7 on the magma core, when you first enter the world on a clean account, the dodge works, but after you re-enter the same world, the dodges simply stop working. How can this be fixed?
All this was tested without other mods, only forge and optfine.
There is no such problem in single player mode.


I've succeeded in fixing the problem of dodging and crashing when equipping the armor. Test in your computer and please leave a message about this.


YEEEEEEEEES MAAAN hahah thank you very much the problem has been resolved !! but invisibility potions still don't work, but thanks a lot


update: Also, the server crashes if the player re-logs into the world and puts on armor on the body


Have you installed any other mods? I assume that particular mod causes this crash but I can't find it 'cause most of people uses too many mods that I can't test it.


#634 this one has same problem, maybe I can found it among the overlapping mods between two.


Have you installed any other mods? I assume that particular mod causes this crash but I can't find it 'cause most of people uses too many mods that I can't test it.

Everything was tested on one, namely on this modification.


The crash.tht file contains information about what I have installed from the modifications and the version of the server core. If necessary, I can give you access to my server so that you can check everything. The problem is in this mod I think.


Could you share your world file?


Can I get into the files somehow and do something about it? I just want to play with my friends today and not delete this mod.


I think this problem occurs in Magma. Your world works fine both in Integrated and Dedicated servers. What you and #634 Guy have in common is both using a server that consists of other API(Magma, Mohist) rather than a normal Forge server. If it works fine in the normal Forge server, I can't fix this problem.


With the usual Forge core, the problem disappeared, but now how to install plugins on this core? Or maybe there is another api that will work with this mod?


Since I only can refer to the Forge code, I don't have much acknowledge about other APIs. If Magma's development team can help me, maybe it could be fixed.


here is their discord https://discord.gg/Nvd3PjmJNx, do you need the source code?


I'm going to ask devs to look at this topic


Yesman, can u go to discord magma ?


Yessman, go to the discord with the link above


Yessman ?


Sorry but I've been busy for the tasks irl. Is there any place that I can see the code?


I'm sorry if this isn't a question about this problem, but, your mod is really good dude, it's very immersive, I know it takes a lot of your time to organize everything and make it perfect for the community but we have mmorpg 1.12 servers. 2 we have these problems, blocking problems with abilities, the player can cancel animation of abilities just attacking, when they take invisibility potion they are not invisible, problems with Entities we would like them animated...; And even other things that we'd like to see in 1.12.2 that only has in 1.16.5, you wouldn't think it's better to release one last update to 1.12.2 with this diversity and then you close 1.12.2 with a little golden key , we developers don't know how to program just configure, and I've been waiting 2 years for mods to release to create something perfect and new for players, I depend a lot on custom npcs that I don't even know when 1.16.5 will be released, if I had a better one updating to 1.12.2 would solve my and many people's problems, so with all the respect and affection for you and your perfect mod, could you think about releasing the latest version for 1.12.2? or if it was even possible to give us the opportunity for someone to move this version forward, and sorry for my english ...


2021-08-04_13 26 19


Well, I don't support the 1.12.2 anymore unless the problem totally ruins the game logic but if somebody is willing to backport the 1.16.5's new feature to 1.12.2 as their requirements, I have no intention of stopping them.




but regarding dodge to 1.12.2 can you upgrade?


I'm trying to rewrite your mod, can you please tell me what to change to fix the U-turns and putting armor on the Mohist?


Can u please update 1.12.2 files on github?<3