


[bug] condition stats for tools conficts wtih general keybinds

Shibva opened this issue ยท 4 comments


idk how to explain tihs, but I will try

in the instance and setup I have, I have an action keybind set to be Shift + F, I found that if in holding an item wtih the tag "Two-handed" and "mainhand only" and press the keybind that the keybind will NOT be set off for whatever reason, but when im not holding those items wtih those tags, the keybinds work

furthermore I found that I cant shift+click items with these tags into other slots, same goes for hovering over tiems and pressing a hotbar slot keybind

if you can fix this that would be nice


i would also like to extend that this affects other keybinds as well, maybe all of them

example b: you cant use the hotkeys for checking crafting recipies/uses when hovering over an item using jei (the ones in the tabs but not actual inventory slots, however still work)


I would like to re-open this issue on the terms that the bug still prexsist


and by presist I mean some of the key fuctions when setting keybinds are not working

in the case I have it, I have something that enables NV when I press SHIFT + F while in game (not inventory GUI) and it works, but when I hold an item that cannot be shifted into the offhand menu by whatever you did, it seems to be also affecting the functionality of that keybind as well