Question on all config options for Client
SilverHatTrick opened this issue ยท 1 comments
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
laser_pointer_color = 0.328125
show_health_indicator = true
#Range: 1 ~ 10
long_press_count = 2
enable_laser_pointer = true
auto_preparation = false
mining_autoswitch_items = []
camera_auto_switch = false
filter_animation = false
off_gore = false
show_target_indicator = true
battle_autoswitch_items = []
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Hello, I had a question regarding all the config options, and what exactly changes for the Client?
What is autopreparation?
Is gore the blood involved during combat?
If I had to guess, filtering animations disables Epic Fight animations outside of "combat mode"?
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Also, how do I find the modid as well as its respective texture for mobs in order to add a series of custom animations/AI to them?
Lastly, is there a Discord available, or some form of documentation regarding Epic Fight Mod?
In the mod options screen, you can see the tooltip for each options.
You can see the guideline of how you set custom entities in the video I've uploaded.
Note that there are restrictions when you set custom entities.