Epic Fight

Epic Fight


[Suggestion] List of weapon archetypes without suitable animation sets yet, and suggested workaround for unique weapons

Reshirou opened this issue ยท 0 comments


(I checked the Future Plans tagged posts first)
I'm patching Dungeons Gear, Expanded Combat, and many other misc mods, to use your diverse weapon archetypes; but there are a few distinct weapon types missing so far

I'm not suggesting anything new, just things for already commonly established modded weapon types

These both would allow removing inappropriate weapon blocking, OP Dual Wielding, or awkward animation swaps

  1. Add a "vanilla" override style option, for super unique weapons like Twilight Forest's "block and chain" or any "wands" which have right click special functionality as the core, but would use regular "mining mode" animation for left click hits

  2. Add configurability for if Sword, Knife, Hoe, and Spear tagged weapons can Dual Wield, "Sword" Block, or use Shields
    Notably, this would fix Throwing Knives as they can be tagged No Dual Wield and No Shield, but still use Knife style
    This would also fix Bo Staff weapons that want the Spear style without the Shield changing style

Weapon styles that are mostly minor edits of existing ones, like how Longsword and Tachi use the same core/jump attacks but have unique running/power attacks

  1. Revamp Trident style to be the full style of "Shield plus Spear", and allow Trident style to use a shield optionally at the cost of not being able to throw the Trident if you're using a shield of course

  2. Greathammers, with a lot taken from Greatsword, but slamming instead of slashing

  3. Add both Dual Wielding and Power Attacking to the Hoe style, as it aesthetically works surprisingly perfect for anything ranging from Sickles to Short Axes and Ice Picks, but it's missing some core functionality to make it actually viable
    -bonus, with Can Use Shield configurability, this would effectively fix Throwing Axes

Styles which nothing currently even comes close to working for

  1. Potential to Dual Wield Unique Crossbows (not the vanilla one)

  2. Double Sided Blades, like double glaives; it would also be suitable for some short staffs

  3. Scythes; uniquely 2 handed as scythes have a peculiar way of gripping them, and they'd do long sweeping attacks rather than fast slashes, so nothing currently fits; this can actually be added as an update to the pickaxe style with a full kit without having to add scythes yourself

  4. One Handed Medium Blunt Weapons, like hammers or clubs; this can actually be added as an update to the shovel style with a full kit without having to add hammers, clubs, maces etc yourself
    -bonus, with Can Block configurability, this would work well with hammers that do right click effects like slam the ground