


[Suggestion] Intigration wtih Curios Layer + other Curio Compat intigration ideas

Shibva opened this issue ยท 2 comments


sometimes when you have curios on they get in the way, futhermore they dont sync wtih the layer, so why not add an oppional part of the mod that will allow initgration when curios API is present? this would be nice for acessoryes like Artifacts and such


an extra mile to this intigration if the idea is plausable is to make sure an anything that is rendered in the curos layer will only be rendered to thers and when the player in combat mode is in the third person, CURIOS that are IN FIST PERSON mode WHEN IN COMBAT MODE should NOT BE VISSABLE,. doing this should elimitate any complains or issues on some of the curios that have renders on them obstructing the view of the user in combat mode while still being vissable to others and the player itself when in third person

the slots that should not render unless its the specified criteria above should be done with exceptions, this can be done in 2 ways

1: an optional config option to override and/or turn off this feature
2: A config list that when its in this list that it will prevent the given Curio (if it has a render) from rending while in combat mode
3: an option to specify what curios slots to now render while in first person combat mode (by listing the curious slot in the config list, while in this list it will overide the compat of the curios rendering while in combat mode)
5: all curios will not render while in combat mode except for certain areas (Ie, hands, anything that will be speculated not to cause a visaul conflict)

hope this gives you an idea what im trying to coin here, becuase it would be rad to see me in combat mode wtih the artifact mods golden hook rendering wtih the biped movements while in combat mode and I bet that you and others could agree wtih that statement.

and why stop there? maybe you can add some custom Curios Items that when worn it can give certain benefits and even an option system to configrue existing curios and add custom effects to it (like with the custom weapon intigration system thats present, this can possably be exibited as CURIO or something of the such [if the curio api is not present and a custom entry has been made wtih the use of the CURIO assestment, it will post a message when they first join the world in a game session wtih a message that will inform them that this feature is dissabled due to the lack of the oppional API being present]

hope this gives you some ideas, love this mods system and I wonder how rad it would look if some mad lads can work it in wtih mo'bends if that is even a possibility

keep up the good work man ^w^


Ayo im new to this thing but I wanna know the exact steps to make it sync with my epic fight layer instead of not seeing it at all, because I like to wear the straw hat and be in 3rd person. if you did mention it I'm sorry but I am really busy and cant read it. I have been working on some school and I just want to get a straight answer if there is one. Thanks and respond when you got the time!