Epic Fight

Epic Fight


Item fixing with weapons that epic fight breaks right click functionality with (ex: tetra melee weapons)

Shibva opened this issue · 7 comments


Set a night we discussed about on a previous issue regarding a mixin

Open an issue on it here for convenience sake.

When you use a tetra item that is war forge and right click the right click functions do not work. what should happen When using a war forged tool well right clicking (or holding right click) is that the item charges up. Unfortunately some thing with an epic fight is preventing this from happening; and I think it might have to do with the blocking system for some reason

I'll try to provide additional information if needed


Guard skill uses the vanilla mechanism of using items. (like pulling a bow or aiming a trident) These have no problems with the items with no functions, but if an item has a special function when using it, I guess the guard skill prevents that. Well, I'd make another mechanism for a guard, but I don't have a proper way to replace this cause the right-click key has the most convenient sense of manipulation.


Well technically speaking a addon add in tetra compatibility can do this however in order for that to happen there needs to be a way to block the tools ability to do such

if you could make a hook to allow for a blacklist on being able to guard with an item then epic fight NBT might be able to fix this

Basically this will allow the item under specific traits to steal have functionality yet disable the block for tools that may be warforged

All that's need is some sort of way to prevent the mod from even trying to apply the blocking mechanic onto those items


I asked them about this issue already and they said only you can possibly fix it though you might be able to have them fix it if you can provide the proper ways to allow for certain items while being within the specifications for Weapons that can block to also have some sort of value that his present causes them to be blacklisted from blocking overall… I don't know


For all we know it could be as simple as the block Key bind being used is masking over tetras r-click


Maybe taking a look at what epic NBT does might give you an idea on how you can keep the blocking system the way it is


And I probably should've said this from the start: even if you don't have the block skill(s) it seems the issue is still be happening


Yeah, but I want to tell you the wither & ender dragon animation is not completed yet. I'd contain the fatal bugs like packet buffer mixins in the update, but I'd work on the mod compatibility issues later.


So will this be fixed for 1.16.5?

Whopse ment to send this to the mixin issue_