[Bug]Couldn't load tag
OcrSu opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Fabric 1.20.1
These errors are not affect the actual gameplay, but hopefully the devs will fix it
[Worker-Main-11/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag deeperdarker:dampens_vibrations as it is missing following references: epicsamurai:sculk_samurai_boots (from fabric)
[Worker-Main-11/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag eldritch_end:etyr_armor as it is missing following references: epicsamurai:etyrite_samurai_helmet (from fabric), epicsamurai:etyrite_samurai_chestplate (from fabric), epicsamurai:etyrite_samurai_leggings (from fabric), epicsamurai:etyrite_samurai_boots (from fabric)
[Worker-Main-11/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag c:aquamarine_ores as it is missing following references: epicsamurai:aquamarine_jade_ore (from fabric)
Full Log: https://mclo.gs/vfy6zG1
Parsing error loading recipe epicsamurai:shuriken
More Errors here...