Erroring Entity Remover Reforged

Erroring Entity Remover Reforged


Crash on Launch

WenXin20 opened this issue ยท 3 comments

EeReforged v1.0.4
Minecraft v1.19.2
Forge v43.2.7

The game immediately crashes on launch, possibly due to a conflict with the mod Obscure Api v9, with this specific version being required for the mod Obscure Tooltips. The previous version doesn't crash.
I have a log from the server, but client-side log shows no errors.
Server Log


Are you using anything with MixinExtras?


Oh sorry, just saw this.
I'm not sure what mods use MixinExtras, if any I would suspect Obscure Api.


This was found to be the fault of mods that are using the beta version of MixinExtra instead of the release version. New version is pushed using the beta.