Essential Commands

Essential Commands


tpa command sometimes does not work

Dr-WeiAL opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Version 1.18.2
When accepting the other party's tpa request, the following message will be prompted
No pending teleport request from the specified player.
Supplement: The problem only occurs when you click [Accept]


Weird question: is your server in offline mode?


No, this server of mine has online mode and whitelisting enabled


Hmm... how consistently does this happen? I currently cannot reproduce the issue.

My steps:

  1. (As Player1) /tpa Player2
  2. (As Player2) wait 5-15s (no more)
  3. (As Player2) click [Accept]
  4. Teleport executes.

My ID is WeiAL, and I let another player whose ID is SuiXing233 use /tpa WeiAL. After I click [Accept], it will prompt No pending teleport request from the specified player.
Maybe you could consider testing with the same ID as us?


Added: At that time the console prompted such a message
[Essential Commands] Loading PlayerData for player with uuid '38b5c44b-3d7a-4120-ab8e-2506b6094b71'.


How consistently does this happen? Every time, only sometimes?


It should be every time, because I see someone /tpa the same person many times in a row and it doesn't work

  • The version is 0.24.5-mc1.18.2
  • The request has not expired
  • This is not very clear because no player uses this
    Additional question: Clicking [Accept] doesn't work, but using /tpaccept <requester_player_name> works

Supplement: I only installed this mod on the server side, not on the client side


This is quite strange. To confirm:

  • you are running version 0.24.5-mc1.18.2
  • you're clicking [Accept] before the request expires (by default, requests expire after 60 seconds)
  • running /tpaccept does accept the request

Additional question: what happens if you do /tpaccept <requester_player_name>? Same error, or does it work?