Allow EC commands to work with `/execute as`
John-Paul-R opened this issue ยท 2 comments
hey, I'd like to propose a feature:
That being that these commands should be executable by blocks.
For example: I should be able to click on a sign that has the rtp clickevent, and it should execute it. or > let a cmd block execute it for me:
execute as @a[tag=rtp] run rtp
Because currently the cmd block output simply gives an error msg for whatever reason
Or make sth fancy like this:
minecraft:dark_oak_sign{BlockEntityTag:{Text1:'{"text":"Click Here To","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"rtp"},"color":"gray"}',Text2:'{"text":"Explore The","color":"gray"}',Text3:'{"text":"Wilderness","color":"green"}'},display:{Name:'{"text":"RTP"}'}}
and commands like /spawn or similar.
Or give temporary nicks utilizing cmd blocks
this was an issue on older versions of EC (in this case, 0.20.4-mc1.18.1
). This has been resolved for 1.18.1 in 0.24.5-mc1.18.1 (backport).