Essential Commands

Essential Commands


[Suggestion] TeleportAsk(Here) suggestions

ginsm opened this issue · 6 comments


Here's a few suggestions I have for /tpa and /tpahere (grouping them so I don't completely spam lol):

  1. There should be a timeout message when a request expires (for both the issuer and recipient).
  2. The TTS narrator currently doesn't narrate /tpa(here) request prompts
  3. The requests are spammable currently -- maybe make it so people can't issue them again until their last request has timed out?
  4. There should be a way to cancel them (/tpcancel) -- this would be useful if you need to fly somewhere, otherwise the player may teleport to you mid-air.. (definitely didn't happen, no way :P)
  5. /tpaccept and /tpdeny (and potentially /tpcancel) could default to a LIFO basis if no target was provided (i.e. respond to the latest request, and then the second latest, and so forth).

There's also a bug with teleportation that results in the XP level/progress showing up as 0 with inter-dimensional travel.

Thanks for the mod, I hope you don't mind the spam! 😂


I like most of these. Will look into adding them at some point. Thanks for the clear, concise list.


@KyGost Thanks for the link, I'll check it out :)



There's also a bug with teleportation that results in the XP level/progress showing up as 0 with inter-dimensional travel.

This is a vanilla bug.
You can install this mod for a fix:
Fabric Cross Dim TP Fix (Modrinth)


Finally got around to adding some of these:

  • "Teleport timeout messages" - added in 4a3b6b3
  • /tpcancel - added in 79df750
  • "Disallow /tpa spamming" - added in 5ca23b7

Not opposed to adding the others. This is just what is done so far.


Remaining requests:

The TTS narrator currently doesn't narrate /tpa(here) request prompts

/tpaccept and /tpdeny (and potentially /tpcancel) could default to a LIFO basis if no target was provided (i.e. respond to the latest request, and then the second latest, and so forth).


Closing this as completed. Have broken out the last 2 tasks into their own Issues: #125, #126