Essential Commands

Essential Commands


PlayerRoles requires explicit `/role reload` (permissions are not loaded at server start)

John-Paul-R opened this issue · 3 comments


having a weird issue with this and player roles, for some reason, those with the permission to use nicknames lose the permission upon server restart, and can't run the command...
Running ./role reload fixes this, but it's not really efficient to run that command every time the server restarts.
Seems to happen with any essentials command.
Here's the roles.json, only happens with essentials-commands commands for some reason.


Thanks for the detailed explanation of the problem. I was able to successfully reproduce this issue, but I have absolutely no idea why it is happening. I created an Issue on GitHub so that the problem is tracked. Will fix this when I figure out what is causing this weirdness.


For some reason Player Roles isn't (completely) loading its config on server start.

The issue (for me anyways) extends beyond Essential Commands. Any commands given to roles (ie /give which normally requires being op) are not given to players with that role. Any commands that are supposed to be blocked in that role, are accessible until /role reload is executed. Also, Styled Chat does not apply prefixes/coloring/formatting to player names until /role reload is executed.

One thing that Player Roles does load from its config on server start is the "command_block" role if used to give command blocks access to all commands. It will load this role, but none of the player roles in the rest of its config. This command_block role is necessary to set up a work-around using command blocks:


(Potentially?) Related PlayerRoles issue NucleoidMC/player-roles/#45


This issue has been fixed by @Gegy as of PlayerRoles v1.5.1!