Create: Estrogen

Create: Estrogen


[BUG] Moths disconnecting the client (multiplayer)

SevDev opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Bug description
When a moth appears in a chunk loaded by the client, the player gets instantly disconnected from the server. In the client logs, we can find this crash_stacktrace.txt.
We didn't encounter this bug in singleplayer and in our early testing. So we think this is pretty rare caused by an interaction with another mod. After having the issue in multiplayer, we could reproduce the issue in singleplayer by using the same map and going at certain coordinates to load the troublesome chunk.
Here is the list of mods we use : modlist.txt

Temporary fix
I placed a command block at spawn killing moths, works when people need to join, but haven't found out yet if the players still get disconnected or not when loading a chunk with a moth in it (if it gets loaded by the client before being killed).

To Reproduce
I don't know really know which mods is needed to reproduce the issue.
I'm on the Discord server, so I can send the Modrinth datapack file and the copy of the map.

Expected behavior
Be able to go close to moth without getting disconnected.

Modpack info:

  • Minecraft 1.20.1
  • Create:Estrogen 4.3.1

Game log/Crash Report:

I'm ok to put a temp jar or invite the dev to the server if it can help debug the issue.


This is immensely hard to debug, no idea why this happens, no idea if it is because of a mod interaction.


Hello, we've disabled 3 mods and the issue is now gone.
The mods were Continuity, Sinytra Connector and Forgified Fabric API.

Hope you'll be able to find something with this !


This bug is extremely similar to my personal experience, and I'm not sure I should open a separate issue for it.

Create: Estrogen from 4.3.0 forward causes clients with our own modpack to disconnect the moment they see a Cobblemon's Pokemon. The worst thing about this very nasty bug is that it only occurs:

  • In a Multiplayer server;
  • To some clients;
  • To other clients too, with specific combinations of mods disabled.

Finally, the server is entirely unaware of this. The client's log has no hint about Create: Estrogen causing the disconnection, which is often accompanied by a message along these lines:

Where for both the numbers given are essentially random, but for the first image they always fluctuate around 96 and 115.

It took me 4 whole days of manually deactivating each mod to figure out which was causing it, and I could not believe my eyes. There's absolutely no reason for this mod to be causing it at a glance, and yet it is.