Create: Estrogen

Create: Estrogen


[BUG] Thigh Highs Far Too Common

emorydeer2 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Describe the bug
Thigh Highs have extremely high (30%) chances of spawning in chests
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open some multiple of 10 Abandoned Mineshaft, Ancient City, Shipwreck Supply, or Buried Treasure Chests
  2. Count the Thigh Highs
  3. Recognize the Insanity

Expected behavior
I expected a 3% chance, since these items are so extremely powerful, especially combined with the Estrogen Effect

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
I'm assuming there's an extra 0, the rarity is comparable to carrots (54%)


I run a server with Estrogen, 3% would be lenient.
Fall damage immunity gets quite powerful in late-game Create & Estrogen, and especially with other mods on a typical create modpack, and certainly, FAR more with a decently-sized modpack.
I'd at the very least like to see this rarity configurable with the default at 10%.


hm... being able to get immunity is pretty OP that's true, but on the other hand there are many variants and if you want to get all of them (or even just a specific one) it's already pretty difficult. like, i've fully raided 10 ancient cities at this point and i STILL don't have a single pan or bi pair! (tbf i didn't know they appeared in shipwrecks, that does make it easier)

i think if we're going to lower the rates there should be some way to get the variants... like maybe a way to convert them with the smithing table, or applying/deploying/mixing/etc them with dyes or certain items? idk. something like that tho.

or alternatively nerf them somehow. like maybe they'd just be cosmetic on their own, and instead of the thigh highs themselves being rare there could be a rare (thigh high only) enchantment that does the whole immunity thing?

either way i feel like making the whole "expressing yourself" part so difficult for balance is a bit :/


Thigh-highs should be independent of their effect, and simply be cosmetic items with rates consistent with the frequency of their sexuality IRL.
Any infinite effect gets boring or abused, once you have it there's no further engagement.

If Thigh-Highs are to keep their effect:

  1. The effect certainly shouldn't be 100%, even 99% resistance creates scenarios where the effect can be worked against by the game or players, while 100% completely removes these options.
  2. Should only apply to falls, and not onto Dripstone, which should destroy them.
  3. They should have durability, with the effect decreasing with durability loss. Durability should also be lost while walking, as it is realistic & encourages/punishes players using this item so passively.

Moth fuzz &/or dream blocks are available as repairing items, though with thigh high variants only available in loot, I think repairs should gradually make the item lose its variation.


Thigh-highs should be independent of their effect, and simply be cosmetic items [...]

^ yea i think separating the effect somehow would be one of the better ways to handle this!

though i don't think the spawn rates should depend on irl frequency... there's not really a lot of specific data on this. like do we actually know how many people are agender for example? (it's at least me! :3)

besides, that has no effect on balance and just makes it harder to express yourself if you're part of a smaller group, specifically, and i feel like if anything that's the opposite of what we want, haha x3


Rates relative to eachother, the chance of any thigh high item should be somewhat rare (even more rare if they're to be functional), and each thigh high variants' sexuality's percentage of IRL occurrance can be used as a weight against other thigh highs
There's no real solution without asking people what their sexuality is, in-game, but this makes sure the most people can be represented when they find a thigh high.