Raining inside assembled ships that have a roof or fully enclosed space
techheadfred-git opened this issue · 5 comments
Not sure how easy this is to code around but being rained on in an enclosed space is quite jarring
You might have noticed that minecraft blocks are in a grid, meaning checking if a block blocks rain is as easy as just checking block positions in a line.
VS2 ships meanwhile aren't in a grid. They can be positioned in any rotation, have any length, height or width, and take any shape. The only way to check if rain should pass is to cast a ray cast every few fractions of a coordinate to see if something blocks it from above.
I'm just suggesting basic ideas here but mabye not raycasting every frame but once when it starts raining and when the blocks update, I get what you mean about not being in a grid but maybe 16 different points of rain to check per block outside the ship
fixing this would require constantly doing raycasts in a radius around every player whenever it’s raining, which is not very good for performance